
Everyone's got a Water Buffalo...

Monday through Friday I watch Abby and Aaron. I pick up Abby from preschool everyday and usually her music of choice on the way home is Veggie Tales. The first song to come on is always the Water Buffalo:

"Do YOU have a Water Buffalo?" I asked Abby, being silly.

"NO!" She said, "Well, I do have a little pool in the backyard, but it's really small and there's not too much water in it so it's ok if you fall down in it."

Obviously in her mind "Water Buffalo" is not this:

But some sort of pool or water toy!

Got to love kids :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I love the water buffalo song....I love Larry !!!! He is the coolest...always so happy, Bob is just a big grump !!!!! I like the pirates who don't do anything song....ahhh, the memories of when my kids were young!!!!! lol.


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